
I'm Andrew and I'm the designer of these smolicons. Smolicons is a passion project I'm working on to complement your digital design workflow without the need to download a single file. Instead, all you need to do is click on the icon you want and paste it directly into your vector graphics-capable software.

For a list of tested and supported apps, please refer to Usage.

The smolicons library is something I'm actively working on and doubles my own icon folio. Every icon and pictogram is hand-crafted and unique and requests for new icons are always welcome!

It's a one-man show, so please bear with me if I don't get to your request ASAP!

Unfortunately, Smolicons is not available as a font or SVG set as of yet. If you'd like to see this feature, please consider showing me some support over on my Ko-fi page.

And as Smolicons evolves, I hope you'll continue to stop by to see how it goes! ^^

- Andrew at Smolicons